My research is in algebraic combinatorics.
I am interested in the intersection of algebraic combinatorics with representation theory, algebraic topology, algebraic geometry and probability.
Papers and related talks
In preparation
Configuration spaces and peak representations (manuscript available upon request)
With Marcelo Aguiar and Vic Reiner
an extended abstract on this paper has been accepted to the FPSAC 2024 proceedings
Slides from a 50 minute talk on this paper
Crystal skeletons and their axioms (manuscript in preparation)
With Sylvie Corteel, Zajj Daugherty, and Anne Schilling
The k-random-to-random family in the Hecke algebra (manuscript in preparation)
With Patty Commins, Darij Grinberg, and Franco Saliola
Spectrum of random-to-random in the Hecke algebra
With Ilani Axelrod-Freed, Judy Chiang, Patty Commins, and Veronica Lang
Video of a 20 minute talk I gave on this paper at IPAM's Integrability and Algebraic Combinatorics Workshop
Slides and video for 25 minute talk I gave on this paper at ALCoVE 2024
Slides for a 50 minute talk I gave on this paper at VI Canada-Mexico-US meeting on Representation Theory, Noncommutative Algebra, and Categorification
A three-regime theorem for flow-firing, to appear in Electronic Journal of Combinatorics.
With Galen Dorpalen-Barry, Selvi Kara, Carly Klivans, and Lisa Schneider
Slides from a talk on this paper at the JMM Special Session on Research Communities in Algebraic Combinatorics in Boston, MA in January 2023.
Left regular bands of groups and the Mantaci-Reutenauer algebra, Journal of Algebra (2024) Vol. 655, pg 29-94.
With Jose Bastidas and Franco Saliola
Slides from a talk Franco gave on this paper at the MSU Combinatorics seminar
Invariant theory of the free left regular band and a q-analogue, Pacific Journal of Mathematics (2023) 322-2, 251--280.
With Patty Commins and Vic Reiner
An extended abstract based on this paper was accepted to FPSAC 2023 as a poster.
Slides from a talk Vic gave on this paper
Slides from a talk Patty gave on this paper
Slides from a talk I gave on this paper (and extensions!)
A Type B analog of the Whitehouse representations, Mathematische Zeitschrift (2023), 303(3), 58.
An extended abstract of this paper was accepted to FPSAC 2022 as a talk.
Slides from my talk at FPSAC 2022, and the recording of the talk.
Slides from a 50-minute version of the talk
Eulerian representations for real reflection groups, Journal of the London Mathematical Society (2022), 105(1): 412-444.
An extended abstract of this paper was accepted to FPSAC 2021 as a talk, and awarded the Best Student Paper Award!
Slides from my talk at FPSAC 2021, and the recording of the talk.
Slides from a 50-minute version of the talk
Enumerating linear systems on graphs, Mathematische Zeitschrift (2020), 296(3): 1101-1134.
With Forrest Glebe and David Perkinson
An extended abstract of this paper was accepted to FPSAC 2019 as a poster
Slides from a talk on this paper at the AMS Special Session on Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry at University of Wisconsin, Madison in September 2019.
A simplified presentation of Specht modules, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra (2022), 226(7).
With Tamar Friedmann
Slides from a talk on this paper at the AMS Special Session on Combinatorics in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry at University of Michigan, October 2018.
A workshop to build community and broaden participation in mathematics: reflections on the Mathematics Project at Minnesota, PRIMUS (2022) 32:6, 738-754
With Esther Banaian, Harini Chandramouli, Kim Klinger-Logan, Alice Nadeau, and McCleary Philbin.
Other writing and content
My PhD thesis: Symmetries of rings from combinatorics and configuration spaces
Defended on May 9, 2023
Slides from my thesis defense
Introduction to my research: A 5-minute video on my research made for the UMN accepted students weekend in March 2020. It should be accessible to anyone with familiarity in algebra.